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Tips on Adding Elegance to Your Bathroom

Good things often come in small packages, or so it’s been said. When it comes to elegance at home, bathrooms tend to be smaller rooms but that doesn’t mean they can’t be elegant rooms.

Bathrooms are without a doubt one of the most hardworking rooms in our houses. Function can and should be the first consideration for a bathroom, but this article will look at how form can blend seamlessly with function to make your bathroom a more pleasant place.

A Touch of Warmth

When it comes to colours, white always works well for most bathroom styles. Most people like to contrast this with dark grey or black floorboards or tiles, which is also great, but have you considered the warmth that wood brings to a room and blending it with white?

Timber accents go hand in hand with white tiles, but you don’t need to go overboard. Try a wooden bath tray, or wooden shutters if you’re feeling a bit more adventurous.

No-Frame Glass Showers

Optics really make a difference, and that’s why giving the illusion of more space can open up otherwise tight-looking bathrooms. Completely surrounding your shower unit in glass rather than steel framing looks stylish and elegant whilst making the bathroom seem and feel larger than it really is. Try this with a walk-in shower for a sleek look.

This tip is perhaps more helpful for bathroom renovations, but if you’ve got the budget to have glass doors installed in a walk-in shower then this touch alone can make a huge difference.

Add Little Touches

Adding elegance doesn’t always mean spending an outrageous sum – rather, it’s often the little details that can bump up a so-so bathroom to a truly elegant oasis for yourself and guests.

Throw in an oil diffuser, a candle or two, or simply tidy up your vanity area (put toothbrushes up in the vanity and out of sight, for example). Try adding a towel rack with soft white towels if you haven’t got one already. These little details go a long way to making your bathroom feel more comfortable and elegant.

Art in the Bathroom?

Add a touch of personality and flair with a piece of artwork such as a painting near the bathtub. It’s fine, provided that you’re letting out excess steam and ventilating (as you should) during a hot shower or steamy bath.

If you’re looking for a safer alternative to artwork, simply adding a mirror near the tub or shower can also achieve an elegant look for a potentially lower cost.

Lighting Makes All the Difference

Nobody wants to shower in a dimly-lit bathroom fumbling around for soap and loofahs, but lighting can add so much more than just functionality.

Clever use of LED light strips, such as under the vanity mirror can work wonders for setting a mood. Moreover, great lighting such as lights that dim can make evening dips in the bathtub a relaxing and calming experience.

The great thing about LED lights is that they’re just so affordable nowadays, both in upfront costs as well as in energy efficiency, so it’s certainly one of the most cost-effective ways of transforming your bathroom into an elegant space.

VK Bathrooms

What does your bathroom need to look truly elegant? Check out our tapware, vanity units, towel rails, bathroom accessories, and much more at VK Bathrooms today.

Read Also – Various benefits of frameless shower screens